What level of health do you WANT to be on?

As I see it, there are three main levels of Health.    

Optimal:  You feel fantastic.  You can do anything Life requests of you.  You are active; love to have fun, perhaps an athlete, perhaps a week end warrior. In any case, you can totally depend on your health. Even if you do catch something, you know what to do to heal quickly and thoroughly.

Medium:  You feel okay. You can get by. You exercise irregularly when Life’s situations make room for it. You enjoy getting out and being active, but, because this isn’t a regular part of your life, you aren’t able to perform on the level you know you really can. You catch colds/flues and sometimes have a hard time shaking them.

Settling:  You really don’t feel well; you are tired/fatigued on a regular basis. Your priorities are to focus on the outer world and not on yourself or your needs….like sleep, exercise and eating well. Consequently, your digestion is off, you’ve gained weight or lost weight, you are depressed/angry a lot and you just feel like you are existing in your own body. Perhaps you just don’t see how you CAN make room in your busy life for yourself.

Which level are you on, right now?

Allow me to assist you in achieving your optimal health potential. Read More

Benefits of Acupuncture
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Herbs
  • Nutrition
  • T'ai Chi Chuan